EPUB Point of Honor: The Continuing Exploits of Lt. Peter Wake United States Navy by Robert N. Macomber (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

EPUB Point of Honor: The Continuing Exploits of Lt. Peter Wake United States Navy by Robert N. Macomber (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

EPUB Point of Honor: The Continuing Exploits of Lt. Peter Wake United States Navy by Robert N. Macomber (Goodreads Author) reade…

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Book description

Book description
In this second of Robert Macombers historical novels of the naval Civil War in Florida, the year is 1864 and Peter Wake, U.S.N., assisted by his indomitable Irish bosun, Sean Rork, is at the helm of the schooner St. James, a larger ship than his first command in At the Edge of Honor. Wakes remarkable ability to make things happen continues as he searches for army deserters in the Dry Tortugas, discovers an old nemesis during a standoff with the French Navy on the coast of Mexico, starts a drunken tavern riot in Key West, and confronts incompetent Federal army officers during an invasion of upper Florida. Along the way, Wakes personal life takes a new tack when he risks reputation for love by returning to the arms of his forbidden sweet-heart, the daughter of a Confederate zealot. Key West provides a unique setting for them to prove that their love is strong enough to overcome the insanity of the war. And through it all, even when surrounded by the swirling confusion of danger and political intrigue, Peter Wake maintains his dedication to balance on the point of honor.
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