EPUB On the Bus: The Legendary Trip of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters by Ken Babbs mobi ibooks ipad

EPUB On the Bus: The Legendary Trip of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters by Ken Babbs mobi ibooks ipad

EPUB On the Bus: The Legendary Trip of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters by Ken Babbs mobi ibooks ipad

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Book description

Book description
Ken Babbs attended Stanford University and is the last member of the legendary Wallace Stegner Stanford writing class (Ken Kesey, Wendell Berry, Ernest Gaines, Larry McMurtry, Robert Stone) to write a novel. Babbs served in the USMC from 1959 to 1964, and was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam. A famous Merry Prankster who became one of the psychedelic leaders of the 1960s, he, along with best friend and Prankster leader, Ken Kesey, wrote Last Go Round (1994) about the oldest and largest rodeos in America. He lives in Dexter, Oregon and is the founder of the Sky Pilot Club.
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