EPUB Number One Kid by Patricia Reilly Giff francais download sale price doc

EPUB Number One Kid by Patricia Reilly Giff francais download sale price doc

EPUB Number One Kid by Patricia Reilly Giff francais download sale price doc

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Book description
The author of the beloved Kids of the Polk Street School series introduces a new generation of readers to a multicultural group of kids who enjoy all the activities of an after-school center. IM #1! That’s what Mitchell McCabe’s favorite T-shirt says. He’d like to be Number One at the Zigzag Afternoon Center, where there are lots of fun activities to choose from: swimming, nature walks, field trips, art, even homework help. And YAY—there’s snack time! But Mitchell is worried. What if he’s the only kid who doesn’t get a prize on Prize Day? Luckily, Mitchell realizes he’s a winner at something terrific. In this delightful new series, award-winning author Patricia Reilly Giff introduces readers to a quirky, lovable group of kids, capturing all the excitement and surprises of new friends and after-school fun.
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