EPUB Naked by Todd Young (Goodreads Author) online iBooks prewiew german touch

EPUB Naked by Todd Young (Goodreads Author) online iBooks prewiew german touch

EPUB Naked by Todd Young (Goodreads Author) online iBooks prewiew german touch

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Book description
Leigh has an old triathlon suit, one he’s had since he was a child. It’s faded and worn, and in it, Leigh is all but naked. It’s a sunny summer morning, and Leigh has woken from a dream of a handsome, mysterious stranger. He’s just the sort of guy Leigh wants, but how will he ever get to meet anybody, stuck at home all summer? If he rides up to Mount Riley in his suit, then maybe he’ll attract someone’s attention. Leigh has no idea how right he is, and he has no idea, while he’s skinny-dipping in a mountain stream, that someone is watching him, hidden in the forest — someone who’ll take Leigh to a place he’s never been.
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