EPUB Mission To The Stars by A.E. van Vogt fb2 ibooks iphone

EPUB Mission To The Stars by A.E. van Vogt fb2 ibooks iphone

EPUB Mission To The Stars by A.E. van Vogt fb2 ibooks iphone

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Book description
The colonies of Fifty Suns, hidden for eons in an ocean of stars, are finally traced by the warship, Star Cluster, of Imperial Earth. Torn By rebellion, Fifty Suns must crush the titanic Earth forces or submit to the domination of the Great Galactic Union. It falls to one man, Peter Maltby, brilliant leader of the feared Mixed Men, to unite the warring factions of his galaxy and guide them to victory.But first he must resolve his own crossed loyalties. For Captain Maltby of Fifty Suns is alsop the passionate lover of Lady Laurr, Grand Commander of the Star Cluster, warrior of Imperial Earth...Originally published in 1952 as The Mixed Men.
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