EPUB Miracle of Love: Stories about Neem Karoli Baba by Ram Dass itunes get spanish free prewiew

EPUB Miracle of Love: Stories about Neem Karoli Baba by Ram Dass itunes get spanish free prewiew

EPUB Miracle of Love: Stories about Neem Karoli Baba by Ram Dass itunes get spanish free prewiew

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Book description
Amazing book, a truly one of a kind mindfuck. Gives you an inside view on what one of these elevated beings or Gurus are really like! He is nothing like you would expect. An ADD madman, he is always running all over the place, never sleeps for very long, he is friends with the most unlikely people because he is out wandering the streets at 3am just talking to people. He gets beaten up when he visits Mecca, he is chasing down some thieves when they break into the temple, and he is always losing his temper or messing with somebody! The book is entirely comprised of paragraph long stories, so its a super easy read, and you can just flip around the book to any chapter that interests you.
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