EPUB Masculindians: Conversations about Indigenous Manhood by Sam Mckegney (editor) phone shop tablet wiki free

EPUB Masculindians: Conversations about Indigenous Manhood by Sam Mckegney (editor) phone shop tablet wiki free

EPUB Masculindians: Conversations about Indigenous Manhood by Sam Mckegney (editor) phone shop tablet wiki free

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Book description

Book description
Between October 2010 and May 2013, Sam McKegney conducted interviews with leading Indigenous artists, critics, activists, and elders on the subject of Indigenous manhood. In offices, kitchens, and coffee shops, and once in a car driving down the 401, McKegney and his participants tackled crucial questions about masculine self-worth and how to foster balanced and empowered gender relations.Masculindians captures twenty of these conversations in a volume that is intensely personal, yet speaks across generations, geography, and gender boundaries. As varied as their speakers, the discussions range from culture, history, and world view to gender theory, artistic representations, and activist interventions. They speak of possibility and strength, of beauty and vulnerability. They speak of sensuality, eroticism, and warriorhood, and of the corrosive influence of shame, racism, and violence. Firmly grounding Indigenous continuance in sacred landscapes, interpersonal reciprocity, and relations with other-than-human kin, these conversations honour and embolden the generative potential of healthy Indigenous masculinities.
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