EPUB Malcolm X: In His Own Words by Nathan Lee pc free original full link

EPUB Malcolm X: In His Own Words by Nathan Lee pc free original full link

EPUB Malcolm X: In His Own Words by Nathan Lee pc free original full link

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Book description
• Book summary-The book, Malcom X, tells the story of Malcom Little. He was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He traveled to Boston to live with his sister where he became involved with various types of criminal activity. He was sentenced to eight to ten years in prison and turned his life around while incarcerated. He became a follower of Islam, giving him a chance to begin a new life. He became a prominent Muslim minister and started a revolution. With hate in heart for his suppressors, he supported the concept of change through aggressive action, as opposed to that of Martin Luther King who believed in change through piece. After a pilgrimage to Mecca, the holy city of Islam, Malcom learned that integration was possible even in Islam. He was eventually assassinated in New York City during a lecture.• Grade level, interest level, Lexile -Kindergarten through 5th grade• Appropriate classroom use (subject area) -Read while teaching about civil rights, the end of slavery, and Malcolm X.• Individual students who might benefit from reading -Students that enjoy history or that directly connect to the African American struggle that had occurred. • Small group use (literature circles) -After reading, analyze the events of Malcolm X’s life and how he must have felt during these times. Was he right or wrong?• Whole class use (read aloud) -After reading, have students analyze the events in Malcolm X’s life. • Related books in genre/subject or content area-There are many books about Malcolm X. One such book is “Malcolm X Speeches”. A good book while learning about Malcolm X.• Multimedia connections -Available in hard cover or on a Kindle.
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