EPUB Lost Cities and Forgotten Civilizations by Michael Pye (Editor) download via pc without registering bookstore

EPUB Lost Cities and Forgotten Civilizations by Michael Pye (Editor) download via pc without registering bookstore

EPUB Lost Cities and Forgotten Civilizations by Michael Pye (Editor) download via pc without registering bookstore

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Book description
Readers uncover evidence and create their own opinions about mythical places such as Atlantis and Lemuria. They discover who built the pyramids and for what purpose. They also learn how advanced the technology of ancient cultures was. Leading experts and authors examine the Egyptian pyramids, studying their astronomical implications. Evidence suppression and archaeological scandals and are also covered, including the Smithsonians loss of Maya skulls discovered in the Aleutian islands. Possible links between the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life, the Great Flood, and the sinking of Lemuria are traced. What ancient civilizations knew about sound and resonance is chronicled, and how this knowledge may have been used to build megaliths and pyramids. Also revealed is the U.S. governments abiding and Indiana Jones-like interest in ancient civilizations, religious mysteries, and enigmatic artifacts. Whether youre a believer, a skeptic, or somewhere in between, this enthralling book is sure to entertain and educate.
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