EPUB Kothar and the Conjurers Curse by Gardner F. Fox reader original djvu via free

EPUB Kothar and the Conjurers Curse by Gardner F. Fox reader original djvu via free

EPUB Kothar and the Conjurers Curse by Gardner F. Fox reader original djvu via free

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Book description

Book description
The entire book retreats from every interesting idea it proposes.There is something comical about Kothar and damsel-in-distress Stefanya hiking along with a comatose wizard in tow, sort of a low-rent Weekend at Bernies, made necessary by her claim that she was cursed to die if he does. Its reasoning never entirely holds water, especially when Bernie, lets call him, is repeatedly attacked by mystical creatures. One starts to suspect that her situation is not exactly as she says, especially since she inconsistent about how she feels about Bernie himself. (view spoiler)[The curse is exactly as she says, which surprised me: of all the ways that this could play out--that she is actually the wizards puppet, that she is actually the sorceress, that the wizard was full of crap, that Stefanya is full of crap--it never occurred to me that it was entirely at boring face value. What a waste. (hide spoiler)]
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