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A rollicking adventure tale. In under 200 pages, Haggard spins a fast-paced yarn with centuries-old treasure maps, treks across forbidding landscapes, wild game hunts, A quest for lost family members, starvation, dehydration, freezing, animal attacks, a lost civilization, a war, witch hunts, illness, duels, a king restored to his rightful throne, love, ancient tombs, imprisonment, underground journeys, ancient diamond mines, and a whole lot more. (He doesnt offer much in the way of, say, character study, social critique, symbolism or anything like that-- but thats really not the point of this story.)The book is also suffused with 19th century British attitudes about race and empire. While there are some admirable and even heroic black African characters (albeit as secondary characters), and even an interracial romance (something that might have been considered ‘bold’ the time of publication), it’s also filled with language about race that is truly cringe-worthy from a 21st-century perspective. Also, the setting, characters, and even the very plot stem from a fundamentally colonialist/imperialist ideology. Africa here serves as an exotic adventureland just waiting for enterprising, ambitious Englishmen with gumption and guns to come and enjoy some jolly good shooting and make a fortune by taking its resources (ivory, diamonds, etc.) as their own. And, of course, its perfectly fine for them to deceive the native inhabitants), interrupt their religious practices, overthrow a ruler in order to put someone more to their liking in power along the way. In fact, it’s presented as both right− and justifiable− for them to do all of those things. Most of all, though, I was struck by what an influential story this was and an appreciation for its place in modern literary history. It contains so many elements (including some pretty racist ones) which, though original at the time, have been re-used in subsequent adventure books and movies that they are now clichés. I also recognize elements from Haggard in quite a bit of early 20th century sci-fi and fantasy as well− with other planets or made-up worlds (or the inside of the earth) serving in place of Africa. And, while I don’t know for sure that Joseph Conrad specifically intended “Heart of Darkness” to be a response to “King Solomon’s Mines”, I do think I now have a better sense of the popular literary background in which that classic was written. I think it would be fascinating (say, in a university course) to read these two books in connection with each other.
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