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King John doesn’t have the best reputation. He is known as the “Bad King”…The bad seed as opposed to his brother, Richard the Lionheart. So ‘bad’ that his actions pushed his subjects and barons to compose the Magna Carta—the predecessor of many modern-day constitutions (so perhaps it is a good thing that John was unqualified!). Stephen Church attempts to explore the foundation building up to the Magna Carta in, “King John: And the Road to the Magna Carta”. Chruch’s aim with “King John” Is not to rehabilitate John or condone his actions. Rather, the target of the text is to explain the events which led to the Magna Carta and how/why John acted the way he did. “King John” succeeds in this by presenting an even-paced text that is academic but not dry and works as a solid introduction into King John’s reign but with enough detail to satisfy those familiar with the topic. Church’s prose is strong and his writing lacks biases and assumptions making “King John” quite compelling. There are, however, issues with Church straying from the topic and going into detailed tangents losing his hypothesis begging the reader to ask what he is trying to prove. Sometimes, Church tries too hard to be unbiased and thus “King John” simply reads as a recitation of events a la, “This happened and then that”. The amount of research is clearly justified in “King John” as Church alludes to documents and household books brimming with detail (although this may be “too much” for some readers). Uniquely, Church stipulates when sources quoted are secondary or written long after the fact which helps the reader gain a well-rounded view but with a grain of salt. Church also employs occasional detective work and cunningly works out how, when, or why an event occurred. As “King John” progresses, a ‘point’ is seemingly lost as Church does explain events that disgruntled subjects (and thus led to the Magna Carta); but none of this seems dire or that ‘bad’. There have been worse kings before and since King John. Although, perhaps this indication is precisely Church’s goal (even though he says he does not aim to rehabilitate King John). There is also an issue with some repetition and backtracking which momentarily stalls attention. There is a disconnect between the former portions of “King John” discussing events leading up to the Magna Carta and the sudden jump into exploring the various doctrines. The path is not cohesive and is quite abrupt. This effectively “throws off” the reader in some ways. This can similarly be said about the conclusion of “King John” which lacks emotion even though Church suddenly ties to enforce that John was a tyrant when the entire book never appeared to necessarily agree with that notion.Some stylistic comments should be noted: “King John” contains various maps; however, they are coded per color shade which is a bit tricky when the map is black-and-white/grayscale. Color plates would also have been welcome (there is an absence of photos). However, the abundance of sources and length of bibliography will satisfy fact-checkers; as will both foot and end notes. “King John” suffers from some flaws and doesn’t per se achieve Church’s aims. Yet, it is well-researched, detailed, and strong academically while being very readable and not dry. There is ‘something’ about “King John” which makes it quite a good read. “King John” is recommended for all readers interested in English history and I would certainly read more from Church in the future.
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