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Book description
Winner of the Agatha Award for Best Mystery Nonfiction, By a Womans Hand was a tour de force of a reference source on contemporary women mystery writers (Nancy Pickard). Now Jean Swanson and Dean James have written a mystery guide with even broader appeal--by reflecting current trends in film, television, and mainstream fiction.Killer Books is the perfect guide for discovering favorite mystery writers based upon readers personal preferences. For instance: If you liked the movies The Silence of the Lambs or The Usual Suspects, or TVs The X-FilesTM or Murder, She Wrote, this cross-referenced sourcebook will guide you to the types of writers and books youd most enjoy. Brilliantly organized and indexed, with complete descriptions, author profiles and awards, Killer Books is the mystery guide that lets you navigate the maze of mystery--and find the books that youll like best.Includes special sections on:- cops- private eyes-legal thrillers- psychological suspense- historical mysteries- romantic suspense- capers and criminals- amateur sleuths- reporters, writers, filmmakers- sci-fi/horror mysteries- and more.
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