EPUB Kade by Dawn Martens no registration prewiew reading read format

EPUB Kade by Dawn Martens no registration prewiew reading read format

EPUB Kade by Dawn Martens no registration prewiew reading read format

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Book description
You met Kade and Nikki in Chase. Now it’s time for their story.Nikki works hard and plays even harder. A fan of no attachment type relationships, Nikki is nowhere near ready to settle down or commit to one man. What she doesn’t expect is Kade. A one night stand she can’t quite shake, Kade is a ladies’ man and the brother in law of her best friend. Will she be able to resist him? Or will Nikki take a chance on love with a notorious player?After making a promise years ago to his now fallen best friend, Kade swore he would take care of Ashley. But what happens when Ashley has an agenda of her own? Will Kade let his promise to his best friend ruin things with the love of his life?Recommended for readers aged 18+
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