EPUB Joy by Victoria Christopher Murray (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

EPUB Joy by Victoria Christopher Murray (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

EPUB Joy by Victoria Christopher Murray (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub




Book description

Book description
An Emotional Joy RideJoy had many twists and turns that kept me reading. Joy centers around the main character Anya, her professional; personal and daily walk with God. Shes engaged to be married but something always seems to stop her from committing to a date. Her financial company is booming, shes pulling in top clients but her fiancé Braxton, is less than impressed that she has to spend so many hours at work and not enough time with him.~~~~~~~Anya a strong intelligent woman of God. Her life is filled with many / trials and tribulations, one would think she would just give up. But she does not, she steps out on faith leaning on God every step of the way. When she is attacked and beaten in her office there are many suspects. First David a man of mystery who seems to good to be true. Second Braxton her fiancé who always has an ulterior motive. Third Hunter a hollywood star who seems to be mad at Anya for not accepting a date. This novel is full of other fun and interesting characters. As the book progresses, Anya is instrumental in being a light of Christianity to her cousin Sasha who has come to live with her. She has provided healing to her family including her staunch grandmother, Madear. She led her coworker to Christ, just by living her life as an example and she turned a seemingly tragic incident into the best time to honor God. A well written tale, Joy is a wonderful read. I think that it will enlighten anyone who reads it. Ms. Murray did a great job of interspersing religious themes with activities of daily living that we all find ourselves in. Im sure Joy will be a blessing to all who read it. Remember Joy cometh in the morning.
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