EPUB Jerktastic Park by Darby Conley find pc online reading story

EPUB Jerktastic Park by Darby Conley find pc online reading story

EPUB Jerktastic Park by Darby Conley find pc online reading story

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The nationwide debut of Darby Conleys comic strip Get Fuzzy was back in... 1999? Wow, this comics older than I thought. Im not sure just how it got nationally syndicated in the first place, either, since its not just one of those zombie strips so beloved of newspaper publishers, the ones thatre just shambling along, reanimated by the heirs and assigns of some long-dead original cartoonist.Although Conley no longer writes and draws 100 hours a week (!) as he did when starting out, Get Fuzzy still seems fresh and funny to me, skating deftly along the line between comfortable and edgy but only occasionally dipping into the political. Okay, I guess I can understand why its in the funny pages, then... Get Fuzzy is often surreal, but rarely threatening.Another part of Get Fuzzys success, I think, is due to its extremely restricted—but as a result very well-developed—cast. The strip has just three major recurring characters: Rob Wilco, a mild-mannered advertising executive of some sort in Boston (not New York City, as I first believed—a recent strip making fun of Massachusetts full frontal rudity kinda clued me in); his dog Satchel, a Newfoundland/Shar-pei mix whos staunchly loyal but more than a little dim, and Robs batshit insane cat (but I repeat myself), a Siamese named Bucky Katt, whose bizarre theories, Rube Goldberg-like inventions, and vicious paranoia are the engine that drives the strip. The setting is also small and well-defined; almost all of the action takes place within Wilcos apartment.Jerktastic Park is a recent (2014) large-format treasury, collecting strips originally published in The Birth of Canis and The Fuzzy Bunch. Its also the first Get Fuzzy collection Ive picked up, and Ill admit it was great fun to go through and see whole storylines laid out for me in one place, and to realize just how well Conley manages the difficult trick of keeping things interesting day-to-day while still advancing longer storylines. While Ive pretty much stopped reading my local newspaper entirely (since they went to tabloid format and a four-day-a-week schedule), I will probably go back and pick up more Get Fuzzy collections—I still gotta get my Bucky fix somewhere...
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