EPUB Iceclaw by Ben Counter pc kickass read link text

EPUB Iceclaw by Ben Counter pc kickass read link text

EPUB Iceclaw by Ben Counter pc kickass read link text

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Book description
As the war on Alaric Prime rages, Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane’s impulsive rage leads his warriors into danger. Cut off from their allies and with orks all around them, Ragnar and his Rune Priest, Ulli Iceclaw, must fight for their lives at the very heart of the greenskin hordes, even as the orks unveil a new flying superweapon that could spell doom for the Imperial defenders of Alaric Prime.Written by Ben CounterRunning time 37 minutesPerformed by Toby Longworth and Peter NobleSound design and music by Richard Fox and Lauren Yason
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