EPUB Hypocrisy and Integrity: Machiavelli, Rousseau, and the Ethics of Politics by Ruth W. Grant original read via flibusta reading

EPUB Hypocrisy and Integrity: Machiavelli, Rousseau, and the Ethics of Politics by Ruth W. Grant original read via flibusta reading

EPUB Hypocrisy and Integrity: Machiavelli, Rousseau, and the Ethics of Politics by Ruth W. Grant original read via flibusta reading

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Book description

Book description
Questioning the usual judgements of political ethics, Ruth W. Grant argues that hypocrisy can actually be constructive while strictly principled behavior can be destructive. Hypocrisy and Integrity offers a new conceptual framework that clarifies the differences between idealism and fanaticism while it uncovers the moral limits of compromise.Exciting and provocative. . . . Grants work is to be highly recommended, offering a fresh reading of Rousseau and Machiavelli as well as presenting a penetrating analysis of hypocrisy and integrity.—Ronald J. Terchek, American Political Science ReviewA great refreshment. . . . With liberalisms best interests at heart, Grant seeks to make available a better understanding of the limits of reason in politics.—Peter Berkowitz, New Republic
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