EPUB How Barack Obama is Endangering our National Sovereignty by John R. Bolton free cheap book tablet value

EPUB How Barack Obama is Endangering our National Sovereignty by John R. Bolton free cheap book tablet value

EPUB How Barack Obama is Endangering our National Sovereignty by John R. Bolton free cheap book tablet value

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Book description
Today, American sovereignty is more challenged than ever before, not from enemies that threaten us militarily but from “friends” who urge us to share or reduce our sovereignty for larger global objectives. How Barack Obama is Endangering our National Sovereignty reveals what sovereignty means to Americans, not as an abstraction but as a vibrant component of self government.Former Ambassador to the U.N. John R. Bolton looks at specific threats to U.S. sovereignty, from “global governance” to the White House, and recommends what Americans can do to defend their sovereignty and resist encroachments from the wide array of challenges we face, internationally and in our own domestic politics.
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