EPUB Horrible Harry and the Purple People by Suzy Kline download book mobi

EPUB Horrible Harry and the Purple People by Suzy Kline download book mobi

EPUB Horrible Harry and the Purple People by Suzy Kline download book mobi

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Book description
Horrible Harry has a HUGE imagination. The last week of school Harry gets a new ruler. He shows it to his friend Doug. Doug comments on the drawing of the purple monsters at the top of the ruler. “They are not picture of purple monsters. They are pictures of the Purple People” Harry says. So begins another one of Harry’s stories. Harry was famous for his huge imagination but this time he had gone too far! Then when a bee flew in the window, Harry knew just how to prove that the Purple People were real. He waved his ruler, “Pur-ple Peo-ple, Pur-ple Peo-ple, Save the tea-cher, from the bee!” Suddenly the bee that had landed on the teachers head moved to the ruler and Harry took it to the window. Now the children are curious and dare Harry to prove the Purple People are real and show Purple People to them. Harry promises to bring one to the class tea party the next day. Harry noticed that one of the girls in his class was whispering to all the other students later that day at lunch. Harry just knew she was talking about the Purple People and he was getting mad. Mary was the class know-it-all. She was making the Purple Peopl angry too.When the class came in from recess they noticed “The Invasion of the Purple People!” Mary had made little purple monsters and strewn them all over the class. Harry was furious. The next day at the tea Harry had was ready for revenge. He told Mary to hold a mirror while he opened up his thermos. Slowly he poured some of the purple grape juice in his cup. “Mary, you are about to meet one of the purple people”. Doug noticed what was about to happen and just as Harry was dumping the cup, Doug jumped in front of Mary. Mary got to meet a Purple Person that day!
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