EPUB Her Brothers Keeper by Valerie Hansen (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

EPUB Her Brothers Keeper by Valerie Hansen (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

EPUB Her Brothers Keeper by Valerie Hansen (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

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Book description
3 1/2 starsThis was an interesting love story. It was not your typical story, and as for suspense? I am not sure I would truly categorize it that way. Very few people, even the main character, were truly daunted by the need to solve the mystery of Beckys background- in fact it appeared that the mystery was solved before the arrival of the investigator. On the other hand, the draw between Becky and Logan was endearing. It was nice to read a book in which the characters got to know one another before jumping head first into the relationship. Aunt Effie did provide some comical relief, but as to her role in the whole mystery - it was far too easily and quickly wrapped up in my opinion no one seemed to question her reasons for doing what she did, neither did anyone appear angry. It was as if the past was wiped clean just because Becky loved and cared for Aunt Effie. I did enjoy this, despite a few flaws. I would certainly look for more by Hansen - as she drew me into the story very easily. This was finished in less than a day - and not a lay around and read all day one either!
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