EPUB Helsinki White by James Thompson itunes get spanish free prewiew

EPUB Helsinki White by James Thompson itunes get spanish free prewiew

EPUB Helsinki White by James Thompson itunes get spanish free prewiew

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Book description
Two days after their daughter is born, Kari Vaara drops a bombshell on his American wife, Kate: He has a brain tumor . . . and hes been handpicked to run a rogue black-ops unit, using crime to fight crime.After recovering from surgery, he gets to work. The black-ops unit is small, and reports directly to Finlands national chief of police. They have secrecy, autonomy, and the cash to buy all the high-tech gear. Soon the unit is cleaning house, robbing Helsinkis mobsters blind of their cash, dope, and illegal firearms. But Karis team is too good, and their actions have unintended consequences. . . .Meanwhile, Finland roils with hatred as its most extreme right political party gains popularity despite having no agenda besides xenophobia. When the countrys leading immigrants rights advocate is assassinated and her head sent by mail to the Finnish Somalia Network, the president assigns Kari to the murder. Cracking this case will involve the unsolved kidnapping of a billionaires children, a Faustian bargain with a former French legionnaire-and Kate.
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