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If you found true happiness and freedom, but were forever being pushed in another direction... Is life worth living? Preface: For a while I thought I wanted to live to be 150-to smash the age record and to let the natural truth reign once more, at least for a while. But to be honest, I no longer fear death. For the longest time I have been able to look at the death of others without all the wet of emotions. When my grandmother died last year, I didnt cry. I missed her, but it wasnt a longing or pleading for one more calendar with her. It was dry. When I lost my first puppy, Lily, I felt responsible for having actively fed her poison or what we humans swallow as grapes. I blame the vaccine that changed my Lily, but deep within, I cannot help but feel that maybe it was my foolhardiness that led to her burial. For her, I cried. For her, there was an ache like no other. I feel disconnected from the deaths of others because I see us, as humans, running toward that very death and suffering with all the daily choices we make. So when someone dies young from cancer or old from the same, I am not afraid to say that they did that to themselves-actively. We can turn and blame others, industry, or whomever we see fit, but in the end, it is we that allow it to happen. We that look the other way-foolishly trusting in a world where one must take advantage of another in order to survive. And to be blunt, I want to kill myself. I dont want to live in a world where I cannot have the happiness and freedoms I have found. I dont want to struggle another day to pay these debts. I dont want to live in a world where I cannot be myself or survive in a way in which I do not feel exploited. I am still very much alive as I write this, but in all sincerity, that day may be on the horizon. That day when I drive to a bridge that is at least 250 feet in height, probably higher because alive is not the point B of my intentions. I dont fear the jump, the wind in my ears, the smack, nor whatever awaits if anything awaits at all. My only fear, the only thing I hang onto, is that I love life. That I am literally drowning in content. That my happiness is pure and simple, but not to be had freely, despite it being freely available. So in essence, these words of mine are an early suicide letter. I feel there is nothing wrong with sharing your emotions as they are. There are too many in this world that wont admit that they hate the sacrifices they must make in order to survive, and too many more that have become numb to it all-having been suckered into this always pushing-forward mentality that is endlessly deleterious. Calling the cops will not help. Getting me a psych evaluation will do no better. I am happy. I love life. You may think that talking your way through it or that taking medication are suitable means to soothe the soul of the hidden individual within, but only a few things can fix this. Personally, I see two. One, and one I wholly embrace, is absolute honesty. And the other, the one that will likely be the death of me, is money, because money allows for comfort and distance from debt. The first is free. The second is often too hard to have, mostly because it is a creation of ours, and not something the Earth nor the mind provides. Its funny, endlessly and twistingly so, that money could be the death of me. But look around. See the others that fight and oppress for the very thing that will likely kill me one day. Were so drawn to it because money is the only way to survive. Were maddened when people cheat the system and maddened when another gets the promotion. Were so willing to climb. So willing to sacrifice with each reach. At the top there appears to be comfort, but too many never stop reaching, or even consider the necessity of all this reaching. Right now, I owe over one-hundred thousand dollars in school loans. I have thousands of dollars in credit card debt.
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