EPUB Greek Vegetarian Cookery by Jack Santa Maria phone free kindle information audio

EPUB Greek Vegetarian Cookery by Jack Santa Maria phone free kindle information audio

EPUB Greek Vegetarian Cookery by Jack Santa Maria phone free kindle information audio

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Book description
From appetizers to cakes and desserts, these recipes combine the freshest ingredients—whole grain flour, olive oil, lemons, yogurt and cheese, wild herbs, among others—in ways that will tantalize the palates of both vegetarians and lovers of traditional Greek food. To complement the 200 recipes, the author outlines religious, historical, and other influences on Greek cuisine. He also relates anecdotes of his life in Greece and accounts of folk customs there. A full array of mouth-watering dishes is included, along with a note on the pronunciation of Greek words and an extensive glossary. The recipes include Cucumber and Yogurt Dip, Bean Soup with Hot Peppers, Chick Peas with Apricots, Cauliflower Fritters, Olive and Orange Salad, Cheese Rolls, Melon with Honey Dressing, and Semolina Halva.
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