EPUB Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith fb2 bookstore tom book reading

EPUB Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith fb2 bookstore tom book reading

EPUB Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description
Sixteen-year-old Austin Szerba interweaves the story of his Polish legacy with the story of how he and his best friend , Robby, brought about the end of humanity and the rise of an army of unstoppable, six-foot tall praying mantises in small-town Iowa.To make matters worse, Austins hormones are totally oblivious; they dont care that the world is in utter chaos: Austin is in love with his girlfriend, Shann, but remains confused about his sexual orientation. Hes stewing in a self-professed constant state of maximum horniness, directed at both Robby and Shann. Ultimately, its up to Austin to save the world and propagate the species in this sci-fright journey of survival, sex, and the complex realities of the human condition.
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