EPUB From Waif to Gentlemans Wife by Julia Justiss (Goodreads Author) download book txt

EPUB From Waif to Gentlemans Wife by Julia Justiss (Goodreads Author) download book txt

EPUB From Waif to Gentlemans Wife by Julia Justiss (Goodreads Author) download book txt

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Book description
Ive read and enjoyed books by this author before, including The Courtesan and Rogues Lady, so when I found this book at my local thrift store, I eagerly snapped it up. But I was left very disappointed in this book. My big complaint was the hero. The guy had sex on the brain! Whenever the heroine was around, I swear he never thought with the head on his shoulders. All he can think of is getting her into bed. Even when he first sees her, soaked through and looking pretty much like something the cat dragged in, he gets aroused by her. Okay, I can accept that. Then, the next morning while shes recounting her story, he barely pays attention and instead ogles her bosom. Nice. It reminded me of one of those sleezy guys who never bothers to look a woman in the face when shes talking to him. Not sexy. While I certainly want the hero to be sexually attracted to the heroine, I also want him to view her as something more than just a sex object. Then, he decides that shes probably telling the truth about being an impoverised gentlewoman, and not a doxy, except that she has plump bite-me lips and lush, fondle-me breasts, which make him think otherwise. Excuse me? Any woman with a nice figure is automatically a woman of low virtue?! He then goes on to think that he feels sorry for the man who tried to rape the heroine--since shes so tempting it must have been difficult for the man to resist. I beg your pardon?!!! If a woman is beautiful, then a man cant help it if his lusts lead him to try to rape her? It was too much for me. Wallbanger. Im just glad I didnt read this one first, or I might have missed out on some of this authors other fine books.
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