EPUB Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Dont Deserve by Lewis B. Smedes no registration read macbook full sale

EPUB Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Dont Deserve by Lewis B. Smedes no registration read macbook full sale

EPUB Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Dont Deserve by Lewis B. Smedes no registration read macbook full sale

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Book description
Masterfully written with a theological emphasis. Forgive and Forget is divided into 4 parts. Part I is The Four Stages of Forgiving, which I thought was a little slow to get into and wondered if I would finish the book. Glad I did.Part II Forgiving People Who Are Hard to Forgive resonated with me. This part talked about various acts from hurtful feelings by close friends and family, to rapes, crime victims, human atrocities. The author eloquently provided insightful comments as to how to go about forgiving. He even mentioned that some things are so unforgivable we have to let it go (for ourselves) and let God handle it. The primary theme I got from this short, easy to read book was that NOT forgiving can eat away at our souls, fundamentally changing us. To stay angry at a person changes us and wastes energy. Forgiving doesnt mean we forget. Doesnt mean we arent angry. It just means we have chosen to put the past behind us and move on. The stages of forgiveness indicate that once we no longer wish someone harm, we are on the road to forgiveness. It doesnt mean we want to be friends with them anymore, but we no longer carry around a seed of hate. Seeds grow...Part III was How People Forgive and I found it very interesting that there are different ways to let go of anger and move on. It takes time. The section on Confusion mentioned having a disagreement with someone that manifested itself over time and to a point that we no longer remembered what we were angry about. Over time the reason we were angry slips away, but we stay angry because of the length of time we harbored hard feelings. What a predicament! Also, it is important to forgive freely, not be manipulated into forgiving. Part IV Why Forgive explained how detrimental it is on our souls to harbor anger, resentment and hatred toward other people. Some people we need to cut from our lives, but let the anger go. It takes time, sometimes years before we are able to completely forgive a person who wronged us. And it was impossible to completely forgive a person who was no longer alive. Best to clear the air before it is too late.There were numerous examples from the authors past as well as stories he was aware of. Example stories included: infidelity, rape, incest, good friend stabbing you in the back, co-worker stabbing you in the back, family squabbles, etc. Excellent book and another favorite from This Reader.
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