EPUB Exile & Restoration by Peter Ackroyd without signing reader touch wiki book

EPUB Exile & Restoration by Peter Ackroyd without signing reader touch wiki book

EPUB Exile & Restoration by Peter Ackroyd without signing reader touch wiki book

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Book description
s/t: A Study of Hebrew Thought of the Sixth Century BCThe present study is the outcome of a number of years of teaching and thinking about the Old Testament, centering upon the questions and problems which belong to the sixth century BC. What prompted the rethinking was in the first place the necessity of studying closely the textual and exegetical problems of the book of Haggai, simply because this happened to be a set text for a particular group of students; and the recognition that this little prophetic book, so often dismissed as hardly worthy of attention because in the study of prophecy it is the great prophets of the eighth and seventh centuries to whom we turn, offers not only a number of quite difficult exegetical problems, but also certain clues to the thinking of the immediate post-exilic period. The natural sequel was a reconsideration of the companion to Haggai, Zechariah 1-8. These two collections of prophecy, often examined because of the importance of their contribution to the understanding of the historical circumstances attending the rebuilding of the Temple, are in reality most valuable pointers to the theological mind of a generation whose history remains at many points as obscure as ever.--Foreword
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