EPUB Eden: Its an Endless World, Volume 8 by Hiroki Endo full version kickass itunes read eng

EPUB Eden: Its an Endless World, Volume 8 by Hiroki Endo full version kickass itunes read eng

EPUB Eden: Its an Endless World, Volume 8 by Hiroki Endo full version kickass itunes read eng

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Book description
Amidst the gore and turmoil in Hiroki Endos stark, post-pandeic future, two war-scarred characters begin to - fall in love? This volume of Eden delivers an exciting first quarter, with several plotlines wrapping up in Endos typically brutal fashion. New doors swing open for young Elijah, as his sniper skills increase and he continues his combat training. Overcome by the turn of events that brought him out of the wilderness (as seen in Eden Volume 1) and into a decadent, heartless South American city, Elijah seeks comfort in the arms of another survivor. Coping with a hard crush, a new school, and vicious gang rivalries, Elijah tries to adapt to city life, but will the surprise return of a major character uproot him once again? Youll find another surprise in this volume, as Hiroki Endo shifts gears after the main story to offer up an experiment: a series of gag strips poking fun at Elijahs job as a brothels handyman!
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