EPUB Economics Through Infographics by Karen Latchana Kenney (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

EPUB Economics Through Infographics by Karen Latchana Kenney (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

EPUB Economics Through Infographics by Karen Latchana Kenney (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

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Book description
ECONOMICS THROUGH INFOGRAPHICS by Karen Latchana Kenney is the newest book in the SUPER SOCIAL STUDIES INFOGRAPHICS series aimed at upper elementary school youth. Economics is an aspect of the social studies curriculum that can be difficult for youth to understanding. Visual representations are an effective way to convey key concepts related to trade, currency, spending, markets, and business. In this work of nonfiction for youth, the author uses “the money trail” to help readers understand how the cycle of money works. Questioning is woven into the text to stimulate student thinking. Blocks of text introduce key concepts and useful examples. While many of the examples explore topics connected to the every-day world such as iPhones, others are connected to social studies topics like the fur trade. From Australia to Israel, examples are provided from around the world.[return][return]The author points out that professional economists use graphic elements to convey their ideas. Illustrator Steven Stankiewicz uses infographics to present the key concepts visually. Bright, attractive colors will immediately attract readers. A wide variety of visuals are incorporated including pictograms, charts, concept maps, flowcharts, timelines, and maps. [return][return]Like any book focusing on economics, the book is likely to become dated in a few years. For instance, a section discussing the minimum wage ends with data from 2010, a dated flip phone is used as an example, and the cost of services like movies are likely to change. However, the book should remain current for the life of the book.[return][return]The book concludes with an index, further information, and a glossary. Other books in the series focus on culture, geography, government, and history.[return][return]To learn more about integrating infographics into the school library, check out two new articles in Teacher Librarian.[return][return]Lamb, Annette & Johnson, Larry (April 2014). Infographics Part 1: Invitations to Inquiry. Teacher Librarian, 41(4), 54-58. [return][return]Lamb, Annette & Johnson, Larry (June 2014). Infographics Part 2: Practical Ideas for Your Library. Teacher Librarian, 41(5), 64-67.
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