EPUB Draw Fashion Models! by Lee Hammond book eReader pdf story spanish

EPUB Draw Fashion Models! by Lee Hammond book eReader pdf story spanish

EPUB Draw Fashion Models! by Lee Hammond book eReader pdf story spanish

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Book description
In this step-by-step guide, Lee Hammond reveals secrets that will help you turn your drawings into professional-looking fashion illustrations.Youll start with the basics - like how to draw the human figure as a combination of simple, interlocking shapes and how to use shading to give your work a realistic, three-dimensional quality. Next, youll learn how to make the fashions look real - with convincing folds, drapes, patters and textures.Exercises and easy-to-follow demonstrations how you how to give your models expressive features, fashionable hair styles and just-the-right accessories.Youll learn how to add impact with cropping and creative backgrounds as you combine pose, expression and lighting to strike a mood and create attitude.If you have a feel for fashion and a creative flair, try your hand at fashion illustrations. This book makes it easy!
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