EPUB Dimaggio: Setting the Record Straight by Morris Engelberg portable book epub itunes amazon

EPUB Dimaggio: Setting the Record Straight by Morris Engelberg portable book epub itunes amazon

EPUB Dimaggio: Setting the Record Straight by Morris Engelberg portable book epub itunes amazon

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Book description
Widely considered one of the greatest baseball players of all time, Joe DiMaggio transcended sports and was a true American icon. Beyond his public life in a New York Yankee uniform and his glamorous if brief marriage to Marilyn Monroe, DiMaggio was an intensely private individual who rarely, if ever, revealed himself to biographers attempting to tell his life story. Until now. Morris Engelberg, DiMaggios closest friend and confidante over the last 16 years of his life, had rare access and insight to the man behind the legend. Teamed up with longtime AP journalist Marv Schneider, Engelberg corrects inaccuracies in recent biographies of DiMaggio and reveals the true, inside story of the great Joltin Joe.
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