EPUB Deception by Fiona Davenport buy english free german look

EPUB Deception by Fiona Davenport buy english free german look

EPUB Deception by Fiona Davenport buy english free german look

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Book description
Nic DeLuca is used to taking what he wants. Born to lead a powerful mafia family, he’s not in the habit of asking for permission—or forgiveness. He’s willing to cross any boundary when it comes to possessing what he considers to be his, and from the moment he laid eyes on Anna Martin, he knew she was meant for him.Nic is quick to move the innocent nanny into his home... and his bed. But, he hides his dark side from Anna. The deception is necessary to ensure she falls for him before she realizes exactly who he is. Please note: Nic & Anna’s romance is a three part story, but there are no relationship cliffhangers.
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