EPUB Death and the Kings Horseman: A Play by Wole Soyinka windows read doc no registration full version

EPUB Death and the Kings Horseman: A Play by Wole Soyinka windows read doc no registration full version

EPUB Death and the Kings Horseman: A Play by Wole Soyinka windows read doc no registration full version

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Book description

Book description
Based on events that took place in Oyo, an ancient Yoruba city of Nigeria, in 1946, Wole Soyinkas powerful play concerns the intertwined lives of Elesin Oba, the kings chief horseman; his son, Olunde, now studying medicine in England; and Simon Pilkings, the colonial district officer. The king has died and Elesin, his chief horseman, is expected by law and custom to commit suicide and accompany his ruler to heaven. The stage is set for a dramatic climax when Pilkings learns of the ritual and decides to intervene and Elesins son arrives home.
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