EPUB Death and After? (paranormal) by Annie Bessant read pdf on iphone

EPUB Death and After? (paranormal) by Annie Bessant read pdf on iphone

EPUB Death and After? (paranormal) by Annie Bessant read pdf on iphone

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Book description
In literature and in art, alike, this gloomy fashion of regarding Death has been characteristic of Christianity. Death has been painted as a skeleton grasping a scythe, a grinning skull, a threatening figure with terrible face and uplifted dart, a bony scarecrow shaking an hour-glass— all that could alarm and repel has been gathered round this rightly-named King of Terrors. Milton, who has done so much with his stately rhythm to mould the popular conceptions of modern Christianity, has used all the sinewy strength of his magnificent diction to surround with horror the figure of Death.
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