EPUB Dead Line by Stella Rimington fb2 ibooks iphone

EPUB Dead Line by Stella Rimington fb2 ibooks iphone

EPUB Dead Line by Stella Rimington fb2 ibooks iphone

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Book description
This book is a thriller based on the British security service MI5. It is the fourth in a series dealing with the exploits of Liz Carlyle and is written by Stella Rimington, who ran MI5 in a previous existence. For this reason reviewers like to state that the books are realistic since the author knows the service from the inside. Which may or may not be true - but they cannot know without having been on the inside themselves. Some reviews include mild complaints to the effect that the plots are a little low key. This may be the case compared to books where bursts of machine-gun fire, lengthy car chases, and powerful explosions are to be found on every second page. But there is nothing inherently interesting in machine gun fire and I find the relative absence of such things an advantage. Since our streets don’t resound to gun fire and explosions I think it likely that the author’s plots reflect reality in this respect too. In this case – I haven’t read the other three – the plot is quite well constructed, though in places it reminds me of films of the same genre and to that extent is derivative. The first chapter is a case in point, the car driving up a narrow road in Cyprus to meet a contact. Several chapters later, on that same road, the driver plunges over a cliff when two of his tyres are shot out. But we can live with that.What I can’t live with is the cast. At one point we are told that MI5 is no longer dominated by recruits from Oxford and Cambridge. Given the number of traitors from Cambridge that’s got to be a relief! But if this book is anything to go by MI5 is dominated by white men and women from London and the south east of England. I would think that anyone reading this book from the north of England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland might feel that MI5 does not represent them. When in Gleneagles, Liz says the following to Hannah (page 259):‘To the Scots I’m as foreign as you.’ What she should have said was that the Scots were foreign to her. And, of course, the local chief constable is incompetent and feisty young Liz has to sort him out.The writing style, where the people are concerned, is reminiscent of Biggles. Here are some examples of what I mean from pages 152 and 153. Liz: ‘I’m awfully sorry for joking.’ (152) Edward: ‘They’d had an awfully rough time.’ (152) Edward ‘It was a jolly dangerous time.’ (153)What an awfully exciting read!This book is a novel, you can hold it in your hand. The author is a writer because she has written it. But compare it to the work of someone who really can write and it doesn’t hold up. Look, for example, at the descriptive ability of Patricia Cornwell or Michael Dibdin and the complexity of some of their characters as it comes out in dialogue. What we have here is competent but wooden by comparison.
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