EPUB Daughter of the Bear King by Eleanor Arnason value text macbook online eng

EPUB Daughter of the Bear King by Eleanor Arnason value text macbook online eng

EPUB Daughter of the Bear King by Eleanor Arnason value text macbook online eng

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Book description
Not your everyday fantasy, Daughter of the Bear King clearly arises from Second Wave Feminism. A middle-aged woman suddenly discovers that she has a role in an epic struggle between shoddiness and integrity. And her battle flows across time and universes. On a Monday morning, Esperance Olson is suddenly transported to another world where dragons fly and wizards divulge her heritage: daughter of the ancient Bear King, she is a shape-changer with healing powers. This strange world runs on magic, and the wizards have summoned Esperance to fight a creeping and shadowy menace. Her epic journey transports her back and forth between her birth world and Minneapolis, where the magic and monsters follow, wreaking havoc
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