EPUB Cold Reign by Faith Hunter (Goodreads Author) full version kickass itunes read eng

EPUB Cold Reign by Faith Hunter (Goodreads Author) full version kickass itunes read eng

EPUB Cold Reign by Faith Hunter (Goodreads Author) full version kickass itunes read eng

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Book description
Jane Yellowrock is a shape-shifting skinwalker…and the woman rogue vampires fear most. Jane walks softly and carries a big stake to keep the peace in New Orleans, all part of her job as official enforcer to Leo Pellisier, Master of the City. But Leo’s reign is being threatened by a visit from a delegation of ancient European vampires seeking to expand their dominions.But there’s another danger to the city. When she hears reports of revenant vampires, loose in NOLA and out for blood, Jane goes to put them down—and discovers there’s something unusual about these revenants. They never should have risen.Jane must test her strength against a deadly, unnatural magic beyond human understanding, and a ruthless of cadre of near-immortals whose thirst for power knows no bounds…
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