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In this 2005 book based on the TV series Charmed, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell, with their half-sister, Paige Matthews, are three incredibly powerful witches who live together in the family house in San Francisco. Piper is married to Leo, a Whitelighter (a guardian angel for witches and other upstanding folk). She runs a nightclub called P3. They have a son, Wyatt, who is a babe in arms. Phoebe is actively involved in her Ask Phoebe column at the fictional Bay Mirror newspaper, and is dating her boss, Jason, who mercifully spends a lot of time in Hong Kong. Paige is working a temp job at a day care center.Piper has decided to return to work following Wyatts birth. She feels guilt, but since Leo is on call 24 hours a day, she relents to Paiges suggestion of letting her take him to the day care where she works. Wyatt wont be the only infant, Paige assures her. Theres a trained R.N. Besides, hell be with family! Would Paige suggest anything that would in any way be bad for Wyatt?When she gets to the club, she finds chaos. Invoices havent been paid, supplies havent been maintained, and somehow no one bothered to book a band for Saturday night. She feels unfocused and a bit overwhelmed. But rather than taking charge—this is her business, after all—she decides to stay home a while longer after the current crises have been averted. This is against the advice Leo offers of “easing” in, and common sense of going in and managing stuff when the club is closed and maybe leaving the baby at home with her sisters at night to keep the help from dipping into the till too often. Its not even necessary to the plot. So why does author Ostow have her do it? Got me.Unfortunately for all involved, the day care center where Paige works just happens to be the place where Caitlyn, a nanny to a colony of elves living in a remote area of the Pacific Northwest, has decided to swap human babies with elf babies. If there were any doubt about that, the reader is introduced to the R.N at the day care center, diminutive Katie Whitesmith. But Caitlyn is really making the best of a bad deal. Mya, a bounty hunter for some unnamed underworld power, has given her three days to furnish infants for an army that underworld power wants to raise. Shes talked the bounty hunter into believing that humans—taller, stronger than elves—would be better for the job.Piper notices Wyatt behaving oddly. Usually he doesnt fuss much, now he becomes a human air raid siren in every store she takes him. She doesnt seem to be able to comfort him. Hes not sleeping through the night. The same day that Katie quits the day care center without notice, parents start calling, saying their children are also behaving oddly. They have the feeling it may involve the center, and withdraw their children, much to the puzzlement and dismay of Dori, Paiges boss, who owns it.In the meantime, the sisters debate such heady issues as whether infants have personalities or not. Phoebe agonizes over her advice column in such a way that I had to wonder if she is the right person for the job after all.The deception is uncovered, demon butt is duly kicked, and the elves are punished for their part in the affair. This struck me as a bit unusual since supernatural “good” creatures in the franchise might be blown off or dismissed, but never punished. The elves, however, seem to be quite unrepentant with respect to the child swapping, so maybe they deserve what they get—which is permanent.This is one of the shortest of the “Charmed” books Ive come across, but at the same time it seemed one of the most long-winded. The actions of so many of the characters just didnt make sense. Only Paige seemed to be contemplating more than her own belly button. So while this one wasnt awful, I didnt enjoy it and cant recommend it.
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