EPUB Captured by Kelex txt ibooks

EPUB Captured by Kelex txt ibooks

EPUB Captured by Kelex txt ibooks

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Book description
Daniel is one of the last existing humans in the universe. Sold into sexual slavery by the very beings who destroyed Earth, he lives day by day, surviving by yielding to his master. That is, until he’s captured and stolen from the whorehouse he called home by one of the men who aided in his planet’s destruction. Galec has been sent to find Daniel—and the map the human wears on his arm. A mythic treasure of untold value lays at the end, if they can only decipher it. He captures the human, hoping the male knows more about the prize. What Galec doesn’t expect is to fall for the human. Suddenly, the treasure isn’t as valuable as what he’s already found. But can the human accept him—one Daniel claims helped destroy the world?
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