EPUB Blackbeards Pirates vs the Evil Mummies by James Black no registration doc spanish store book

EPUB Blackbeards Pirates vs the Evil Mummies by James Black no registration doc spanish store book

EPUB Blackbeards Pirates vs the Evil Mummies by James Black no registration doc spanish store book

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Book description
What is scarier than Blackbeard and his fearsome crew? Monstrous mummies! He was dead, his mouth open in a scream of unimaginable terror . . . Blackbeard is the most feared pirate of all, but when he comes face-to-face with evil mummies, and a force more powerful and horrifying than himself, can he—and his pirates—survive? Readers are in for high adventure on the high seas in this darkly comic novel, as Blackbeard sails down the Nile on a quest for ancient Egyptian treasure!
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