EPUB Bedtime Tales of Horror: Beautiful Teeth by Bradley Poage (Goodreads Author) read italian buy touch direct link

EPUB Bedtime Tales of Horror: Beautiful Teeth by Bradley Poage (Goodreads Author) read italian buy touch direct link

EPUB Bedtime Tales of Horror: Beautiful Teeth by Bradley Poage (Goodreads Author) read italian buy touch direct link

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Book description
Your stories never disappoint Bradley! They also always surprise, thrill and chill! This story was great! Only you could create a horror story like this ☺ it was awesome! Very creative! I never heard of this type of fetish... but it makes me now look at those tooth whitening commercials in a different light. I always thought when seeing those tooth whitening ads... yeah right like teeth are the 1st thing a guy looks at on a girl... but now after reading your story I gotta wonder lol. Amazing story!
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