EPUB Battle of the Gods: Great Captains Collide by Charles R. King pdf online

EPUB Battle of the Gods: Great Captains Collide by Charles R. King pdf online

EPUB Battle of the Gods: Great Captains Collide by Charles R. King pdf online

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Book description
Charles R. King utilizes his academic education in physics and classical history to examine two of the greatest military leaders in history - Hannibal and Scipio Africanus. Nowhere else in all of history do we find another instance of two of what are considered the great captains come into direct conflict with each other. Accessible to both the professional historian and the buff, this analysis enables the reader to approach these two military geniuses from a new and different outlook. Charles R. Kings specific area of interest has always been the Roman Republic period and the Punic Wars which have fascinated him since childhood. This work not only utilizes his education and academic background, but also takes advantage of his experience as a career military officer and of actual visits to many of the significant sites of the Punic Wars.
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