EPUB Ansel Adams: Americas Photographer by Beverly Gherman epub online reading

EPUB Ansel Adams: Americas Photographer by Beverly Gherman epub online reading

EPUB Ansel Adams: Americas Photographer by Beverly Gherman epub online reading

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Book description
Ansel Adams: America’s Photographer by Beverly Gherman is a book that opens up Ansel Adams’ life as a photographer living in San Francisco. He mostly took landscape pictures and is known mostly for his landscape pictures of Half Dome, which is in Yosemite, CA. The reader gets to hear about Adams’ childhood living in San Francisco and follow him growing up as he begins to attach to photography and the piano. The book is an easy read which lets younger people read is without trouble. We get to hear about all the people, events, and surroundings that influenced Adams and impacted him in the locations where he photographed. This book would be good in the classroom because it is a simple book about how aspects in our lives can influence the activities we enjoy and can shape our lives. The book is also good because even though it has a lot of words, there are some pictures that go with some events in Adams’ life that make the book more enjoyable. I would like to know why the author did not include any of Ansel Adams colorful pictures or explain that he has some pictures in color? Was it hard to focus on his life instead of just his photography career?
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