EPUB Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist by Michael J. Fox offline get purchase mobile online

EPUB Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist by Michael J. Fox offline get purchase mobile online

EPUB Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist by Michael J. Fox offline get purchase mobile online

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Book description
When I eat lunch out by myself during the work week so I can read a book, I typically expect to be left alone. Having your head stuck in a book is not a smile at someone to encourage interaction. But reading Always Looking Up with its author Michael J Fox on the cover while out last week caused two people to stop me to share a brief story! One man likely had Parkinsons disease (PD), and noted that he had read Michael J Foxs first book and was eager to read the one I held; the other person told me all about her stepson who had PD and how well he was doing. Both thought the world of Michael J Fox, not because of his acting but rather because of his PD advocacy including his foundation, which he founded shortly after he stopped acting. The point of the book is to share how even with PD, he has adopted an attitude that the challenges posed by his condition are really opportunities. Now, when I started the book, I thought to myself Sure, its easy to be optimistic when youre a famous actor who can pay for everything you need. And while its true that he had/has the ability to pay for what he needs, staying optimistic in the face of PD and its symptoms is about attitude. It has less to do with his financial resources and more to do with emotional resources. The book described the challenges posed by PD without becoming maudlin or woe-is-me. It laid out Foxs response to leaving acting and having to find something to do with himself. His foundation appears to be unique in its urgency and involvement in what it funds. Unfortunately, the book is as scattered thematically as this review. Youre not quite sure as you read where hes going next. But when you look back after finishing the book, you feel happy for Michael J Fox in how hes dealt with having PD, you know more about what its like to have PD, and you feel encouraged - like you can go out and make a difference by having a good attitude.
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