EPUB A Survival Guide for Buying a Home by Sid Davis free full version reader audio link

EPUB A Survival Guide for Buying a Home by Sid Davis free full version reader audio link

EPUB A Survival Guide for Buying a Home by Sid Davis free full version reader audio link

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Book description
Buying a home is a complex process that involves a delicate balance of financial, emotional, and practical factors. This essential resource helps readers come out on top, revealing the best strategies for finding and buying a new home -- while saving money every step of the way. Whether looking for a house, condo, co-op, or manufactured home, readers will learn how to: * Hire the right agent * determine financial limits * develop relationships with banks and other potential lenders * evaluate communities * get prequalified or preapproved for a mortgage * negotiate the best price and terms * and more. Theres also a checklist of the 15 costliest mistakes homebuyers make -- and how to avoid every one of them -- plus crucial information on how to sell a home. Owning a home is the American dream, but achieving it can be a nightmarish experience. With this vital information and great strategies, readers will not only find their dream home faster, they will do everything right to move in quickly and confidently!
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