EPUB A Good Birth, A Safe Birth: Choosing and Having the Childbirth Experience You Want by Diana Korte torrent finder value tablet free

EPUB A Good Birth, A Safe Birth: Choosing and Having the Childbirth Experience You Want by Diana Korte torrent finder value tablet free

EPUB A Good Birth, A Safe Birth: Choosing and Having the Childbirth Experience You Want by Diana Korte torrent finder value tablet

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Book description
Based on a survey of two thousand women and responses from readers of the first and second editions, this complete and accurate guide enables women and their partners to take control of the childbirth experience. Diana Korte and Roberta M. Scaer, both long-time La Leche leaders, analyze todays childbirth options and help readers to choose among them - to find Dr. Right (or a midwife), and perhaps a labor assistant, too, and to pick a hospital, birthing center, or home birth.They describe the pros and cons of medications, fetal monitoring, induction of labor, and other medical interventions during birth, and they tell readers how to avoid an unnecessary cesarean section and ensure that all their wishes are followed. In chapters such as If You Dont Know Your Options, You Dont Have Any, The Obstetricians Black Bag of Interventions, and How to Have a Normal Vaginal Birth (and Avoid an Unnecessary Cesarean), Korte and Scaer are refreshingly frank but never dogmatic; they want their readers to decide for themselves whats best for them.
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