EPUB A Cry From Egypt (Promised Land, #1) by Hope Auer macbook download tom no registration bookshop

EPUB A Cry From Egypt (Promised Land, #1) by Hope Auer macbook download tom no registration bookshop

EPUB A Cry From Egypt (Promised Land, #1) by Hope Auer macbook download tom no registration bookshop

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Book description
Age Appropriate For: All AgesBest for Ages: 8 - 15I have heard so much good about this book. Yes, it was meant for younger readers, and I knew that going in. However, I find books meant for younger readers often to be a way to unwind in the evening. They are less challenging (most of the time) to my brain and often very good.Biblical fiction can be difficult. After all, it is a balance not to have so much fiction that you forget what the Bible says, nor so much Bible you might as well have just read that instead of the fiction book. Auer nailed the balance in this book. She stuck to the biblical account while adding a personal feeling to the story. Historically, she also did a great job as far as I could tell. I am not an expert, but from everything I have studied about Egypt and the Israelites, the history was spot on. The little details of daily life made the story feel alive and will help readers get a clear picture.There were a couple of things that diminished my enjoyment of the book. First, the large cast of characters with many with similar names was a challenge even for me. I can see this being even harder for young children. Secondly, it was obviously written for much younger readers.I think that my favorite part was the family dynamics. Each member of the family was very different and had their own struggles. Much of the book was spent dealing with family issues in a godly way.I highly recommend this book for younger readers who enjoy biblical fiction, good stories, and solid faith messages.
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