EPUB 1000 More Things You Might Not Have Known by John Brown epub download free

EPUB 1000 More Things You Might Not Have Known by John Brown epub download free

EPUB 1000 More Things You Might Not Have Known by John Brown epub download free

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Book description
As the title suggests, 1000 More Things You Might Not Have Known, is a continuation of one of my earlier works, 1000 Things You Might Not Have Known. I took the suggestions and criticism that the public provided, and made this second book even better! 1000 More Things You Might Not Have Known is packed with interesting, entertaining, educational and fun things to read. Youll get everything from the weird to the wonderful and from the horrible to the hilarious. Youll find facts that blow your mind and the references that you can use if you wish to find more information about the curious topics covered.
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