EON: platform for hosting and promoting games on the blockchain

EON: platform for hosting and promoting games on the blockchain


Like many other on-line industries, the gaming industry has met the technology of blockchain with open arms and hope for a bright future together. Let me remind you that today the online gaming industry is one of the largest in the world and its turnover is about 100 billion dollars a year and is growing rapidly every quarter, already having on board about 2.2 billion regular gamers, and this figure is also increasing with each reporting period.

So what can we get in the end, if we are compatible games and technology blockchain? I think that we will get the following key benefits:

  1. Really decentralized multi-user on-line universes;
  2. True and fair possession of virtual things or minerals with simple and secure trade, exchange and sharing;
  3. More fair, honest, transparent and developed economy of games in general, significantly complicating the possibility of cheating;
  4. Develop and release games in less time and for less money without worrying about infrastructure costs (such as servers) and fixed costs (such as account administration);
  5. The ability to quickly and easily release your own game currency, which can be exchanged for other game coins or assets, assets of other games, or simply withdrawn from the game and sold for money at the crypto-exchange, which can serve as an additional incentive for gamers to move around the world is on the blockchain game.
  6. Scalability of games on the blockchain significantly exceeds the scalability of "centralized" games, due to the constant development of technology blockchain and the lack of need for centralized databases, servers and other infrastructures.
  7. Creating even greater excitement in the market because of the success and attractiveness of both industries.

That is, from the advantages listed above, we can make a simple conclusion with you - games on a blockchain of flats are not just cool and modern, but really convenient and financially profitable!

And I want to tell you about one of the projects, which is going to storm this industry and is already ready for holding its own event, and below. The project is called EON - Blockchain Game Platform.

EON is a completely new and fresh offspring from an experienced and stellar team that developed a game called CryptoAlpaca, and was established in Palo Alto, California, USA. The project is dedicated to expanding the ability of developers to create more games for users around the world, and the team's vision is to allow players to easily find great games, and developers can easily distribute their creations through this platform, the financial core of which will be the EON token , and the platform itself will be built using blockchain technologies and smart contracts.

The main existing problems that the project team is going to solve:

  1. When developers release a game and want to maximally spread it around the globe, they face a significant number of financial services barriers, or rather, they need to figure out how to take hundreds of various local currencies around the world, while avoiding significant spending on intermediaries and third parties providing similar services. The EON platform solves this problem easily and effectively by implementing its own internal crypto currency, through which it will be possible to access platform services and pay for a particular product or service. It should also be noted that payment by crypto currency is by far the most convenient, cheapest and fastest way to pay for anything that works without interruptions or holidays and simultaneously around the globe where there is access to the Internet.
  2. Another obstacle in the way of developers is the constant increase in the cost of marketing on the sites that host them. In some cases, this cost goes up to 30% of the total revenue of the developers, which is very expensive and does not guarantee the quality or at least the authenticity of the monthly attendance traffic of the centralized platform. Often, developers do not even have the ability to verify the figures they have given as evidence.

The EON platform plans to use various new ways to attract genuine traffic, including attracting well-known bloggers, YouTube and other influential people in the world of gaming and advertising, and the integrated technology of blockchain and smart contracts will add a lot of transparency to the solution of this problem.

  1. Also, platform developers plan to introduce incentive and reward mechanisms for players and active community members who will participate in the expansion of the platform and promotion of its products and will also receive referral bonuses in EON tokens. The scheme of this mechanism can be considered below.
  2. The EON platform will work with many crypto-currencies simultaneously and the developers will have a choice which one they want to receive as payment for the purchase of their games, which may further interest holders of popular crypto-currencies in their practical application.
  3. EON Platform SDK (a set of tools for developers of games from the platform) will help to easily integrate their games into the platform and customize the reward system for platform users and gamers, which can not boast of many centralized platforms for placing and promoting games.

A couple of words about the project's token and the metrics of the token

Start ICO: July 25, 2018

Ticker token: EON

Standard token: ERC20 (ethereum blockchain)

The price of the token: 1EON = 0.0280 USD (0.00004760 ETH / 1ETH = 21000 EON)

Minimum purpose of fund raising: 10000 ETH

Maximum fund raising goal: 30000 ETH

Currently collected from private investors: 5,000,000 in the equivalent of ETH

The total number of issued tokens: 2 100 000 000 EON

Available for sale to investors: 30%

Whitelist / KYC: Yes / Yes (from July 5 to July 15, 2018)

Accepted currency: ETH

Can not participate: Canada, China, Congo, Cuba, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, New Zealand, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia, USA, Emen.

Useful links for studying the project

Website: http://eontoken.io

Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/yuhe5nc

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EonToken

Telegram: https://t.me/eontoken

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4431010

Official Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2076422

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